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S.E.E.D. Planning Group
UHS Employees Federal Credit Union partners with S.E.E.D. Planning Group to offer great financial planning resources to our members. This partnership provides our members with a discount on financial planning.
Who Are They?
S.E.E.D. Planning Group believes everyone should have access to high-quality financial planning S.E.E.D. is an independent, fee-only financial planning team with a fiduciary responsibility to put their clients’ best interests first.
How they are different
As fee-only planners, all members of S.E.E.D.’s staff are salaried. They never earn commissions, push sales or sell financial products. Their independence allows their planners to be flexible and have multiple ways to bill clients for work. And as fiduciaries, they are legally obligated always to put their client’s best interests first.
They believe you should have access to high-quality financial planning regardless of how much money you have and without moving assets to receive help and guidance.
If you are starting your career or building your financial future, S.E.E.D.’s financial planning process can help you address the following:
How to get started
You can visit and fill out their intake form. Indicate that you are a UHSEFCU credit union member (as you will receive a discount on their planning by being a member).
Next steps
Once received, their client experience team will contact you to set up your complimentary discovery meeting. This free introductory meeting is an opportunity for their planners to determine if financial planning is appropriate at this point. You will not be obligated to make any decisions during your discovery meeting.